Closed for Presidents' Day

The Croton Free Library is closed on Monday, Feb. 17.

Exhibit Guidelines

The Croton Free Library exhibits work by local artists professional or amateur that is of high artistic quality. The Library reserves the right in all cases to decide on exhibits for our gallery according to our standards. The purpose of the program is to make available to the community artistic experiences which will enhance its appreciation and understanding of various art forms.


Preparing an Exhibit

Following an agreement with our exhibit coordinator, you will be offered dates for a 2-month exhibition as well as mounting and dismounting dates and a date for a public reception. The Library Director and Exhibit Coordinator must clear all dates. Contracts should be returned through email with your typed name representing you signature.

Artists should visit the Ottinger Room prior to their exhibit to view the physical space and make a plan. It is important to actually see the space and plan out the number of works and where you will locate them.

  • All artwork must be mounted utilizing the installed framing system.
  • No tape or nails or sticky tack is allowed on the walls of The Ottinger Room.
  • All artwork must be framed. (Exceptions will be decided on an individual basis.)
  • All artwork must have labels for titles or numbers with an accompanying printed title list.
  • The duration of each art show is 2 months.
  • Nothing may be placed on the piano.
  • Nothing can be on the floor.
  • Since the chairs cannot be removed from the Ottinger Room, the Library will make an effort to have the chairs in front of the windows and not blocking the artwork.

Two weeks prior to the opening of the art exhibit, the artist will provide the Library Art Committee with:

  • 4 copies of an 8.5 “x 11” printed flyer for the Library window cases.
  • A Word document describing the show.
  • A jpg file of an image from the show for the Library’s electronic bulletin board.

The Library Art Committee will advertise the artist’s exhibit in the Croton Free Library Newsletter and on the Events Page of the Library’s website. The artist will be responsible for developing the announcement card/flyer/poster and sending it to the press and their own contacts. The artist is encouraged to place a Visitor sign-in book at the reception table.

On the date of mounting an exhibit, Artists are expected to arrive with art works framed and ready to hang within a 3-hour period. Artists are responsible for moving art works in and out of the gallery and unwrapping/wrapping any packaging materials used for transit and installing the artwork. Performance or workshop and the dismounting of the show according to their mutual schedules.  You can view a diagram of the exhibition space HERE.

Artwork may be sold from the library show provided that 20% of each sale is donated to the library. The library does not sell artwork on behalf of the artist. The artist may provide a price list to be displayed at the Reception table.

Artists are expected to manage their own reception set-up and clean up, with Artists supply all paper supplies, food and beverages. Wine is allowed. *Note: Receptions are generally 2 hours in length. Most often they are on Saturday or Sunday afternoon from 2-4 PM, but weekday evenings are an option. Allow 30 minutes for set-up and clean up. Music, movies or slideshows must be provided by the artist and the Arts committee must be informed ahead of time to make sure all necessary equipment is available.

While the Ottinger Room has security cameras and is only open during Library business hours and for special events, artists are encouraged to have their work personally insured, if they are concerned about the safety of their work. (To date, we have never had a problem).