Closed for Presidents' Day

The Croton Free Library is closed on Monday, Feb. 17.

Pandemic Policy

Policy Type

Croton Free Library

Pandemic Policy

Approved: 6/18/2020

Reaffirmed: 9/13/2021 (in response to COVID-19 being designated an airborne infectious disease in compliance with the New York HERO Act)

Purpose of the Policy

In the event of a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak (hereinafter referred to as “pandemic”), the Croton Free Library (hereinafter also referred to as “Library”) must plan for the safety of staff and patrons, as well as continuity of operations in a manner that is safe, mission-driven, and responsive to the community as well as to the situation. The Croton Free Library’s response to a pandemic must be flexible and informed by governmental directives and regulations, known best practices established by library authorities, and guidance from health departments or health authorities. It is ultimately up to the discretion of the Library Director (hereinafter also referred to as “Director”) or designated successor and the Croton Free Library Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as “Board of Trustees”) when and how to respond to the pandemic while complying with the laws and regulations of federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education Department and New York Library Association.

The Library Director, in consultation and with approval from the Board of Trustees will develop a written and routinely re-assessed Safety Plan, which will be reviewed and updated no less than weekly as needed. A Safety Plan includes detailed instructions for each phase of re-opening.

The Board of Trustees may change or amend or suspend policies as necessary. There will be no discrimination in the implementation of any of these protocols.


Library Operations

The Croton Free Library is committed to providing the highest quality, most community-responsive library service possible. In a pandemic, the Director, in consultation and with approval from the Board of Trustees, may need to adjust, alter, reduce or suspend service to the public. The value of any service to the community will be weighed against the safety, both to the staff and to the public, of providing that service.


Library Closure

In the event of a pandemic, the Director, in consultation and with approval from the Board of Trustees, may need to close to the public and staff. The Library will follow directives and guidance from government agencies and public health authorities in making this decision. The Library may need to close to the public or reduce library hours in the event that adequate staffing levels for basic service cannot be maintained.


Reductions to Library Services

Reductions to library services or changes in how services are provided may be necessary during various stages of a pandemic. Decisions about library services will be based on available guidance and regulations from federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education Department and New York Library Association. Reductions to library services shall be at the discretion of the Library Director and the Board of Trustees.

During the pandemic:

  • The Director, in consultation with and with approval from the Board of Trustees, may reduce or discontinue library programs and selected services or shift programs and selected services to a digital or passive format.
  • The Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, may discontinue the use of meeting and performance spaces by the public.
  • The Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, may close off portions of the library building or relocate services from one part of the building to another. This includes potentially locking the book drops.
  • The Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, may limit the number of people (including but not limited to staff, the public and volunteers) allowed in the library building and/or the amount of time such people will be allowed to stay in the building, impose age limits on unaccompanied minors who are allowed in the Library, and/or require social distancing. Special rules may be needed for the Children’s Room.


Safety and Cleaning Protocols

Although this list is not comprehensive, aggressive cleaning, handwashing, use of hand sanitizer, face masks and other personal protective equipment, temperature checks and social distancing are key to allowing library services to continue, all or in part, while protecting the safety of staff and public.

The following measures should be considered at different stages when library services are adjusted or limited, or the Library is shut down, or during the subsequent reopening:

  • Providing, when required, appropriate personal protective equipment to staff and volunteers
  • Following best practices for cleaning of premises and materials as recommended by federal, state, county, or local public health authorities
  • Increase the frequency and thoroughness of cleaning throughout the building, focusing on high-touch surfaces such as countertops, door handles, tables, chairs, electronics, etc.
  • Providing sanitizing wipes and/or paper towels and cleaning products to staff for frequent cleaning of staff and public workspaces
  • Posting signage throughout the building reminding staff and patrons of social distancing practices, hand washing and sanitizing, face mask wearing, staying home when sick, and other methods of preventing the spread of disease
  • Considering the number of people allowed in the building at a given time
  • Requiring staff, the public and volunteers who are sick (i.e. show symptoms of spreadable disease) to stay home. This will be applied uniformly and without discrimination.
  • Requiring staff to stay home if they had close contact with individuals showing signs of spreadable disease
  • Requiring temperature checks of staff if deemed feasible and appropriate. This will be applied uniformly and without discrimination.
  • Installing protective panels at areas of interaction with or between the public where they do not already exist or where deemed necessary.

The Director, in consultation and with approval from the Board of Trustees, reserves the right to mandate the use of face masks and/or gloves for all persons on the premises. If a mask is deemed unacceptable or ineffective the patron will be provided one by the library. If the patron refuses masks deemed acceptable and effective they will be asked to leave the library. A mask is deemed effective by its material and if it properly covers both nose and mouth

If government directives mandate face masks and/or gloves or if public health authorities recommend face masks and/or gloves, staff may be required to wear them when on duty.

There shall be no retaliation against employees who express concerns about safety.


Maintaining Essential Operations during Closure of Library

Essential operations are those which must continue in order for the Croton Free Library to function as an organization and in order to maintain the integrity and safety of the library building, building systems, and property.


Business Operations

In the event that the Croton Free Library is closed to the public, essential business operations must continue, including bill paying, payroll, reporting, communication with vendors, etc. Every effort will be made to continue these operations in a timely manner. At the discretion of the Library Director, in coordination with the Assistant Director, administrative staff may need to enter the building during a staff shutdown in order to complete essential work or retrieve documents, equipment, and other materials to complete work from home, while complying with federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education Department and New York Library Association.


Building Maintenance

In the event of a building closure, maintenance staff may be requested to enter the building for essential cleaning, special projects or to meet with contractors when necessary.


Maintaining Service to the Public during Full or Partial Closure of the Library

The Croton Free Library takes its mission of service to the community very seriously and will make every effort to continue to provide needed, meaningful service during a pandemic closure or partial closure of the Library.



The Croton Free Library will provide the technology infrastructure and support for staff to work remotely and or onsite when feasible. When technology resources are limited, it is ultimately up to the discretion of the Director, in coordination with the Assistant Director, as to which staff members will have access to said resources. In the event of a building closure, efforts will be made to extend or enhance WiFi access to the exterior of the library building for public use if it does not compromise public health.


Communications with the Public

During the period of crisis, communication with the public is crucial. The Library’s communications through email blasts and social media posts, as available, may be the primary and/or only means of interaction between the Library and the community. Communication frequency will be increased in an effort to keep the public informed about the Library’s operating hours, library closure, methods of public communication with the Library, digital programs, and other matters of importance or interest. Staff will interact with patrons through email, online chat through website and social media outlets, as well as by phone or other appropriate means when deemed necessary.


Digital Content

The Croton Free Library will prioritize and widely publicize the availability of digital content such as ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, streaming services, and databases. If feasible, the Library will prioritize collection development spending in the area of digital content. Services will be put in place that allow patrons to receive help accessing digital content. This should include assistance by email, phone, and instructional guides and videos available online.


Online Programming

The Library will shift as much programming as possible to digital, online formats, including but not limited to streamed programs, recorded programs, and passive programs. Staff who are responsible for library programming will work toward providing, as feasible, online programming, including but not limited to streamed programs, recorded programs, passive programs and activities, and real-time participatory programs using online meeting software and social media platforms.


Extension of Due Dates and Suspension of Fines

In the event of a closure or limited library access, due dates will be extended to a point in time as deemed appropriate by the Croton Free Library in conjunction with the Westchester Library System. Fines will be suspended and all items borrowed prior to or during the pandemic and for an appropriate limited period of time after the threat is over will be done so in amnesty (or “fine-free”) mode. The extension of due dates for materials will apply to all items that were due during the closure. The public should not return their books and materials until further notice if the Library is closed to the public and/or the book drops are locked.


Intralibrary and Interlibrary Loans

In the event of a closure or limited library access, the exchange of materials between libraries may be prohibited. The suspension and reactivation of these services are determined by the Westchester Library System in coordination with the Library Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees.


Employee Attendance and Activities

During a period of pandemic, regular work methods, rules and duties may need to be changed in order to accommodate both the needs of the Croton Free Library needs and the needs, including the health and safety, of the staff.

  • If the Library is open, employees are expected to report to work as scheduled. Employees may use paid time off or leave without pay as an option. Employees with pre-existing conditions must be offered accommodations consistent with ADA requirements if feasible. Employees with special circumstances will be offered accommodations if feasible.
  • Employees who come to work sick will be sent home immediately. This will be applied uniformly and without discrimination. Employees may use paid time off or leave without pay as an option.
  • Employees may be reassigned to duties that are different from their normal duties. Employees may also work fewer, more or different hours from their previously scheduled amount. Employees’ skill sets, abilities, and availability will be taken into consideration when planning reassignment. Employees are not guaranteed a return to their pre- pandemic schedule or allotment of hours.
  • In the event that the Library is closed to the public, but open to staff, mandatory staffing reductions may inform how many staff members are able to work in the building. All staff members who are scheduled to work in the building are expected to report to work as scheduled.


Working from Home

Work from home may be required during a pandemic and may continue, all or in part, during the re-entry period. All work from home must be approved by the Library Director, who will work in consultation with the Department Heads to make the decision regarding work from home for each employee.

  • Employees who work from home are expected to perform meaningful tasks such as (but not limited to) online reference, online programming, continuing education, skill development, or social media/website content.
  • The Croton Free Library will make every effort to pay all employees for their average amount of hours worked in a work week before the closure. At any point during the closure, the Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, may determine that certain staff members will only be paid for hours actually worked or can be furloughed until the building is reopened.
  • Department Heads and Supervisors will routinely check in with employees working from home. It is the responsibility of the staff to check their email accounts regularly (at least twice a week).
  • When the Library begins to open first to staff, and then to the public, some employees may be asked to work from home for all or part of their scheduled hours. Such decisions will be made based on the ability of the employee to do their work from home and considerations for staffing levels in the library building.
  • If an employee wishes to continue to work all or in part from home when the Library is beginning the phased opening, the employee must provide a written request to their supervisor and to the Library Director. The employee must outline what tasks they plan to do from home, how many hours they are requesting to work from home, and the reason for their request. Work from home requests may be denied; decisions will be made based on the following factors:
  • The employee’s duties and whether or not these can be reasonably and effectively done from home
  • The need or mandated allowance of on-site staff in the library building
  • The equitable distribution of on-site work within each department or throughout the library staff to the extent that this is possible.


Phased Re-opening of the Croton Free Library

This plan outlines a phased re-opening and restoration of library services. The Library’s re-entry may not be linear. The Library may move from one phase of re-entry to another, only to be required to return to a previous phase due to safety concerns, governmental directives and regulations, known best practices established by library authorities, and guidance from health departments or health authorities Each phase outlines the services that will be restored, all or in part, the conditions necessary to restore those services, and other considerations. There is no set amount of time each phase will be in effect. Flexibility is given to the Library Director in consultation with the Board of Trustees to determine the feasibility of providing services using information that is available from governmental agencies and public health authorities.

Aggressive cleaning regimens will continue throughout all phases.


Full Closure

The library building is closed to everyone, including staff, the public and volunteers. The building should not be accessed by anyone except for the Library Director, and only the Library Director may permit entry to staff or other essential persons on a limited basis. Book drops are locked and all library services are in an online format or cancelled. There will be no exchange of materials with the public.


Phase 1 – Digital online services only

This phase will start only after regulating government agencies lift any order that requires 100% of non-essential workers in the library sector or similar sectors to work from home and allow public or association libraries to operate on (at least) a limited basis. The library building continues to be closed to the public, but certain staff are permitted to work in the building. Depending on federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education Department and New York Library Association, staff capacity may be limited. This phase is dependent on the ability of the Library to provide enough safety supplies, including but not limited face masks, gloves, thermometers and disinfecting supplies for staff.

  • Staff are permitted in the building only by permission of the Library Director or Assistant Director.
  • Staff members who are not required to work in the library building continue to work all or in part from home.
  • Staff members working in the building are required to wear face masks, wash hands frequently, use hand sanitizer between hand washings and practice social distancing.
  • Programs continue to be provided digitally and digital content continues to be prioritized.
  • Rigorous cleaning of the building resumes, especially on high-touch surfaces and on interior and exterior doorknobs and furniture. Building disinfecting occurs regularly or as needed.
  • Consideration of budgeting for and supply chain of newly required pandemic materials continues.
  • Library rooms, furniture, computer stations, restrooms, staff work stations, and the like are re-configured or cordoned off in order to practice protective distancing.
  • Book drops continue to be closed and no returned materials are allowed in the library building.
  • Protective panels are installed at areas of staff interaction with the public or areas of interaction among the public where they do not already exist or where deemed necessary.


Phase 2 – Curbside drop-off/pick-up

This phase will start only after regulating government agencies allow public or association libraries to operate on (at least) a 50% workforce. The library building continues to be closed to the public but more staff members are permitted to work in the building. The Library may open the book drops and implement curbside pick-up/drop-off. Guidance on the known incubation period of disease on surfaces shall be sought from the current best available sources.

  • Phase 1 guidelines have been satisfied.
  • Scheduled staff start working on-site to help with circulation of materials.
  • Book drops can be opened and emptied and rigorously cleaned on a regular basis.
  • Curbside pick-up of online or phoned-in reserved materials and drop-off of borrowed materials is implemented if deemed safe. Curbside pick-up and drop-off may be limited to Croton Free Library cardholders only.
  • Intralibrary and interlibrary loans will be allowed at the discretion of the Westchester Library System.
  • Library hours will be posted and may be limited.
  • The Library resumes purchasing physical materials and continues purchasing digital materials.
  • Locations are established for returned material to be quarantined until safe to be handled by staff.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided to staff and public throughout the building.
  • Signage is posted throughout the building reminding staff and patrons of social distancing practices, hand washing and sanitizing, mask-wearing, staying home when sick, and other methods of preventing the spread of disease.
  • Protective panels continue to be installed at areas of staff interaction with the public or areas of interaction among the public where they do not already exist or where deemed necessary.
  • Social distancing cues are installed in waiting areas of the building. Public computers are repositioned to allow for social distancing. Furniture in public areas may be removed or moved.


Phase 3 – Limited public access to the Library

This phase will start only after regulating government agencies allow public or association libraries to open to the public and when the Library’s physical space allows for safe interactions between staff and public. The library building opens to the public, but with limited services, hours and accessible areas. On-site staffing levels increase to accommodate increased services. The number of staff, the public and volunteers who may be permitted in the building at any time is to be determined by the Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, and in coordination with federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education Department’s and New York Library Association’s laws and regulations.

  • Phase 2 guidelines have been satisfied.
  • Library access may be limited to Croton Free Library cardholders.
  • Scheduled staff continue to work on site. Some staff may continue to work some hours from home. Staff schedules may be staggered to accommodate social distancing.
  • Staff, the public and volunteers may be required to wear face masks and subject to temperature checks. Frequent hand washing is required and use of hand sanitizer between hand washing is required.
  • Staff, the public and volunteers who exhibit any signs of sickness ((i.e. show symptoms of spreadable disease) will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Limited on-site library service is provided. Services may include:
  • In-person material checkout
  • Interior book drop accessibility
  • In-person reference services
  • Printing services, such as contactless printing
  • Limited computer access if deemed safe
  • Some services may be offered by appointment if deemed necessary.
  • Limited areas of the building will be opened to the public. Service points may be relocated in order to contain services offered to the public to certain areas.
  • Library hours may be limited due to staffing levels and other considerations.
  • Specific hours for vulnerable patrons may be considered if feasible.
  • Meeting areas, meeting rooms and performance spaces are unavailable to the public and may be used as staff spaces or for other purposes.
  • Unaccompanied minors under a specified age may be restricted from entering the library building.


Phase 4 – More extensive public access to the Library

This phase will start only when information from federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education

Department’s and New York Library Association’s recommendations advise that infection rates have declined sufficiently or some other circumstance warrants easing certain restrictions even if social distancing is still strongly recommended. Additional services are added and regular hours are resumed.

  • Phase 3 guidelines have been satisfied.
  • Library hours may return to their regular schedule.
  • Staffing may still be staggered.
  • More areas of the building may be opened if feasible, though may be available on a limited basis.
  • More seating may be re-introduced if feasible, though may be available on a limited basis.


Phase 5 – Small gatherings allowed

This phase will start only when information from federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education

Department’s and New York Library Association’s recommendations advise that social distancing requirements have been relaxed and smaller group gatherings are allowed. Large group gatherings may still be prohibited or discouraged. The majority of library services are restored.

  • Phase 4 guidelines have been satisfied.
  • Full on-site staffing resumes, though service desks may be staffed differently in order to continue social distancing.
  • Staff working from home do so by request and only with the approval of the Library Director, in coordination with the Assistant Director.
  • Small in-person programs resume if recommended social distancing rules can be followed. Registration may be required and Croton Free Library cardholders may be given priority.
  • Small in-person children’s and teen regular programs resume, but attendees must be able to understand and practice safe hygiene and social distancing or will be asked to leave the building. Programs where social distancing cannot be accomplished may continue to be suspended or may be provided in an online format. Registration may be required and Croton Free Library cardholders may be given priority.
  • Large group meetings may still be prohibited.
  • Public use of meeting and performance spaces may still be prohibited and are up to the discretion of the Director, in consultation with the Board of Trustees.


Phase 6 – New Normal

This phase will start only when information from federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities in conjunction with the New York State Education

Department’s and New York Library Association’s recommendations have declared the threat of infection to be low or non-existent or an effective vaccine is widely available.

Full service is restored to a “new normal” in all areas of service and all public areas of the library building are open although perhaps in new, different or hybrid formats and configurations devised during the pandemic. Strategies to prevent future outbreaks may call for library services and the library building to continue to re-adapt.


Addendum 1 to Croton Free Library Pandemic Policy Croton Free Library Safety Plan

In response to COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020

(last updated 5/24/2021)



New York State requires that each business or entity must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19. While many of the aspects of this requirement are already covered in the Croton Free Library Pandemic Policy, certain issues require more specificity, which is addressed herein.


To ensure that staff comply with physical distancing requirements, Croton Free Library will:

  • Ensure 6 ft. distance between staff, unless safety or the work activity requires a shorter distance. At all times while in the Library staff must wear face masks.
  • Staff areas are only scheduled to be filled at percentage of room capacity in compliance with Federal, State and local ordinances.
  • Post appropriate signage covering
  • Required Personal Protective Equipment for staff and public
  • Cleaning Frequencies
  • Proper hand washing techniques
  • OSHA Employee’s Rights/Benefits
  • New York State and CDC recommendations
  • Staff and patrons will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer before they enter the building.
  • Limit in-person staff meetings as much as possible and use tele- or video-conferencing whenever possible. Essential in-person staff meetings should be held in open, well- ventilated spaces with appropriate social distancing among participants.

General Guidelines:

Staff will practice the following safety precautions:

Appropriate face masks when in the Library (no exceptions). If a mask is deemed unacceptable or ineffective one will be provided by the library. A mask is deemed effective by its material and if it properly covers both nose and mouth.

  • Stay home when sick (i.e. show signs of a spreadable disease).
  • Stay home when in close contact with individuals showing signs of spreadable disease.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.


A: Protective Equipment

To ensure staff comply with personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, Croton Free Library will:

    • Provide staff with face masks at no-cost to each employee and have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement.
    • Ensure the following supplies are to be in inventory in the Library at all times. Director will reorder when supply reaches 25% allotment.
      • Disposable gloves: (Sizes M, L and XL)
      • Face masks:
        • Washable/cloth face masks for each employee
        • Disposable face masks as back-up for staff and public
      • Face Shields: For circulation staff doing curbside pick-up and any interaction with public
        • Disinfected/wiped down after every use by the employee who used it
      • Disinfectant spray
      • Anti-viral disinfectant wipes
      • Hand sanitizer
      • Paper towels for use with above
    • Comply with the following protocols:


Package Delivery Protocols

  • All mail and packages will be delivered to their designated departments.
  • WLS Transit bins will be left next to the circulation desk.


Book Drop Protocols

Establish designated areas and procedures for drop-off of returned materials, limiting contact to the extent possible.

  • Items are transported by book cart from book drops to Ottinger Room. Material is placed on the table for 24 hours before checking in.
  • After 24 hours, staff take items from the corresponding table to the circulation desk by book cart and run the items through check-in; the system must be backdated to the date prior to the day the books were pulled from book drop.


Library Material Pick-up Protocols

Establish designated areas and procedures for patron pick-up of library materials, limiting contact to the extent possible.

  • Staff will set up table at the beginning of the day outside of front doors. Table will have hand sanitizer and any pertinent information for patrons. Staff member will have the option to wear a face shield in conjunction with their face mask.
  • Flags and signage will be set-up along walkway to direct social distancing.
  • Patrons will call Library when they arrive for their pre-arranged appointment to pick up their item(s). Patron will be encouraged to wear a face mask when picking up materials.
  • Staff member will check out item(s) to patron at circulation desk.
  • Once staff member is in lobby wearing face mask and gloves (or if they are there before the patron arrives), they will greet patron and ask for their name while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
  • Patron holds will be left on table by staff member wearing a face mask.
  • Direct to Car Drop-off:
  • Service specifically for patrons who may have trouble getting out of car and/or walking to table.
  • Patrons who would like material placed in their car must request service when they call and service is not guaranteed.
  • Staff are NOT required to bring checked-out materials to patron's car; if there is no staff on hand willing to provide this service, patron will be informed that it is not available at the time.
  • When delivering items to a patron's car, staff will wear face masks and gloves. Items can only be placed in the trunk of the vehicle and the trunk door must be already opened. Staff will relay these details when patron requests service.


Browsing by Appointment Protocols (only Phase III and up)

Establish designated areas for in-person patron browsing and procedures for both patron and staff to limit contact to the extent possible.

  • Patrons will call to arrange a half hour timeslot to browse. The staff member will check the schedule and arrange a time. Patrons are advised timeslots are limited to 30 minutes and begin at the start of their scheduled visit, not when they arrive.
  • Patrons will call the Library when they arrive and staff instructs them to meet them at the front entrance.
  • Upon arrival the patron is greeted at the door by staff. Once staff member is in lobby wearing face mask and gloves (or if they are there before the patron arrives), they will greet patron and ask for their name while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Patron will be advised that wearing a face mask during browsing is mandatory. Staff member then encourages patron to use available hand sanitizer before entering the main area of the Library and recite the guidelines for in-person browsing. The door will remain unlocked while any patrons are in the building.
  • When a patron is ready to check out, staff will request patron shows their card instead of handing it over. Staff can scan the card through the glass. The barcodes from all items should also be held up to be scanned through the glass or under the protective barrier. Staff should advise patrons that any unwanted items should be placed on the clearly labeled carts arranged in the main area.
  • When finished staff should encourage email receipts but it is not required.
  • When patron is ready to leave staff should lock door behind them.
  • During in person browsing there will be several services and areas unavailable or modified which staff should note:
  • Computers will be unavailable for Internet use or catalog searching
  • All seating has been removed
  • The Creative Space is off limits
  • The small program room is off limits
  • Ottinger Room is off limits
  • Patrons can use the copier
  • For printing, patron must send their print jobs to

Open-Door Browsing Protocols (only Phase IV and up)

Establish a limit to how much in-person patron browsing can happen at a given time and procedures for both patron and staff to limit contact to the extent possible.

  • Patrons are required to wear a mask at all times in the building. If patron enters without one, they are asked to put on their mask or we can provide one for them. Patrons who refuse to wear a mask are denied entry.
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit their visits to 30 minutes.
  • Staff will continue to waive fines and not accept cash transactions. Patrons are who wish to pay are informed that they may do so online.
  • Main area is limited to 20 patrons and one time; Children’s room will allow no more than 10. Staff may increase or decrease these limits based on patron congregation.
  • When a patron is ready to check out, staff will request patron shows their card instead of handing it over. Staff can scan the card through the glass. The barcodes from all items should also be held up to be scanned through the glass or under the protective barrier. Staff should advise patrons that any unwanted items should be placed on the clearly labeled carts arranged in the main area.
  • When finished staff should encourage email receipts but it is not required.
  • During open-door browsing, there will be several services and areas unavailable or modified which staff should note:
  • All seating has been removed
  • The Creative Space is off limits
  • The small program room is off limits
  • Ottinger Room is off limits
  • Patrons can use the copier


B: Hygiene and Cleaning

To ensure employees comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements, Croton Free Library will:

  • Post signage in the Library and all restrooms with the CDC recommendations on hand washing and hand-sanitizing protocols. Hand soap and other hand sanitizer will be kept in adequate supply.
  • Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection at least after every shift, daily, or more frequently as needed, and frequent cleaning and disinfection of shared objects and surfaces, as well as high transit areas, such as restrooms and common areas, must be completed.
  • Limit the sharing of objects and discourage touching of shared surfaces; or, when in contact with shared objects or frequently touched areas, wear gloves or, sanitize or wash hands before and after contact. Items such as computers and other technologies that will be shared among staff will be wiped down with approved sanitizer or disinfectant wipes before and after each use by a staff member.
  • Comply with the following protocols:


Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols, to be accomplished by the custodial staff

  • Bathrooms cleaned not less frequently than once per day
  • High-touch surfaces including but not limited to door handles, light switches, phones, chair backs and arms, table/counter tops, computer keyboards and mice and on-off buttons, copy machine, microwave, refrigerator, faucets, water fountains cleaned at the end of every day
  • Regular vacuuming of carpet and mopping of tile floors not less frequently than at the end of every day


Staff Hygiene Protocols:

  • Employees must self-administer daily health screenings before the start of their shift (either at home or upon entering the building).
    • Health screenings include determining that body temperature is below 100.4° F, confirming no presence of symptoms of COVID-19 and not having been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19
    • Reporting can be done on the computer or mobile device, or on paper. Online form can be found here:
    • Touchless thermometers will be available at Library points of entry.
  • Tables throughout the Library will be designated as sites for staff members to leave bags and personal belongings. Staff must sit only at their determined space when taking a break. Tables to be disinfected daily by custodial staff.
  • Kitchen area limited to one staff member at a time and to be entered through one door and exited through another. Kitchen area to be disinfected daily by custodial staff.
  • Staff are urged to use hand sanitizer regularly throughout their shift.
  • Staff must wash hands after each restroom use and after working with any materials from outside the building (such as book returns and mailed or delivered packages).
  • Use the telephone to communicate with staff as much as possible; extensions placed clearly at each station.
  • Staff must adhere to social distancing guidelines throughout the work day.
  • Staff must wear a face mask at all times when working with library materials.


C: Communication

To ensure employees comply with communication requirements, Croton Free Library will:

  • Hold a staff orientation to introduce new employee guidelines.
  • Post signage throughout the library to remind staff to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
  • Preserve staff work schedules in order to maintain a continuous log of every worker who may have close contact with other individuals at the Library; excluding deliveries that are performed with appropriate PPE or through contactless means; excluding customers, who may be encouraged to provide contact information to be logged but are not mandated to do so.


  1. PROCESS A: Screening

To ensure employees comply with health and safety regulations, Croton Free Library will:

  • Implement mandatory health screening assessments including a questionnaire and temperature check, before employees begin work each day and for essential visitors, asking about (1) COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days, (2) positive COVID-19 test in past 14 days, and/or (3) close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in past 14 days, (4) Travel outside of New York State.
  • Assessment responses must be reviewed weekly by the Director to ensure compliance.


B: Contact Tracing

To ensure employees comply with contact tracing and disinfection requirements, Croton Free Library will:

  • Have a plan for cleaning, disinfection, and contact tracing in the event of a positive case.
  • In the case that an employee tests positive for COVID-19 or was in close contact with someone who tests positive
  • Director will immediately upon notice close the Library to all staff.
  • Director will inform on condition of anonymity all employees and instruct those who came in close contact with the affected employee within the past 14 days to go home and self-isolate for 14 days, working remotely if feasible.
  • Library will alert the appropriate health officials.
  • Library will issue a public statement on condition of anonymity confirming a positive case and encourage anyone who has been in the building within 14 days to self-isolate.
  • Library will be professionally disinfected and Director will wait at least 24 hours before re-opening the Library to staff that have been unaffected.
  • Staff members who show no symptoms or test negative for COVID-19 after 14 days can return to work.

These criteria may change per Center for Disease Control advisories, New York State recommendations and/or federal, state and local regulations.

  1. OTHER

To ensure that the Library stays up to date on the guidance that is being issued by New York State, Croton Free Library will:

  • Consult the NY Forward website at and applicable Executive Orders at orders on a periodic basis or whenever notified of the availability of new guidance.


Addendum 2 to Croton Free Library Pandemic Policy

Croton Free Library Employee Guidelines to Working during a Pandemic

(last updated 11/12/2020)

All policies are based on guidelines from government and public health officials.

Exterior doors will be locked while the library is closed to the public. Please lock the door behind you when you leave (if you have keys), or please let someone know you are leaving so they can lock the door behind you.

Scheduled work hours and visits: Employees must coordinate with supervisors before coming into the building outside their scheduled hours. It is still OK to visit outside the building.

The thermostats will be set to Fan Circulate (instead of Fan Auto) to encourage air circulation.



Workspaces: The Library will provide workspaces that ensure physical distancing of 6 feet or more.

Staff: Face masks will be worn at all times in the Library.

Staff and the Public: Employees will practice social distancing from coworkers and the public at all times.



Tightly confined spaces will be occupied by only one individual at a time. If occupied by more than one person, the Library will keep occupancy under designated capacity. This includes but is not limited to (staff areas, public rooms, break rooms, private offices).



The Library will make face masks, face shields, gloves, and thermometers available. Face masks: The Library will have masks available to all staff at the beginning of each shift. Disposing of face masks: Employees will discard used disposable face masks in the garbage. Wearing face masks: Face masks have to be worn at all times when employees are working in the Library and when working with library materials and/or in close proximity to others. This includes but is not limited to: break rooms, circulation desk, shelving and pull holds in the stacks, shared desks and computers.



The Library will make hand sanitizer and disinfectant cleaners available. The building is cleaned daily and high touch surfaces are sanitized by Custodial Staff.

Staff and patrons will be asked to use hand sanitizer before they enter the building.

(The Library will adhere to sanitation requirements from the CDC and DOH.)



Employees should limit the sharing of objects (i.e.: pens). When that is not possible, employees should clean the equipment after using it (i.e.: book drop keys). Employees will clean their shared workspace at the end of their shift and high-touch surface areas after use. Phones that are in a specific workspace should only be handled by the employee scheduled to work in that workspace at that time. In the event that another staff member must use a phone that is not in their workspace, we ask that you use the speaker phone.



Employees will wash or sanitize hands throughout the day and before and after activities as needed (i.e.: book drop). Gloves are available to use but are not a substitute for hand washing in terms of cross-contamination. As always, employees must wash their hands before and after eating/snacking and after bathroom breaks.



Employees must not eat or snack at a shared workspace (i.e. public facing counters/desks) or while they are working with library materials. Employees must continue to take precautions when drinking at a shared workspace and working with materials by stepping away from their work area when they need to take off their mask to hydrate.


Breaks and meals can be taken in the staff break room and designated areas throughout the Library. Kitchen area is limited to one staff member at a time and is to be entered through one door and exited through another.



The Library requires all employees and essential visitors to be screened before beginning work each day. Just before or at the beginning of your shift you will take your temperature and complete the “Croton Free Library Daily Health Questionnaire”. If you have any of the specified symptoms you must contact your supervisor and let them know since you will have to stay home that day.



Staff who may work with the public may wish to get a COVID-19 test; however, this is not required by the Library in order to report to work.



What to do if you have symptoms?

If an employee experiences any symptoms listed on the Croton Free Library Daily Health Questionnaire (related to COVID-19) before your shift begins, contact your supervisor immediately. You may be instructed to not report to work.

What do I do if I test positive or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive? If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must notify the Director or Assistant Director immediately. The Library is required to immediately notify state and local health departments for contact tracing efforts.

Will the Library notify me if someone at work tests positive for COVID-19?

The Director or Assistant Director will inform on condition of anonymity all employees and instruct those who worked the same shift with the affected employee within the past 14 days to go home and self-isolate for 14 days, working remotely if possible.



All regularly scheduled employees currently receive annual Paid Time Off (PTO) based on average hours worked per week that they may use at their discretion. Employees whose income is impacted by COVID-19 can apply for financial assistance under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) between April 1, 2020 and December 21, 2020. The FFCRA consists of two types of leave:

  • The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) – Eligible employees are provided up to two weeks of paid sick leave.
  • The Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) – Eligible employees are provided up to 12 weeks of family and medical leave; 10 weeks of which are paid.

For more information on the FFCRA, please visit:


Please note: The Croton Free Library offers working from home and “telework” opportunities for certain positions when applicable. Employees cannot telework if they are being paid through the FFCRA.


Will I get paid if I have to stay home because I got COVID-19?

Yes, under the EPSLA, employees will be compensated for up to two weeks (or 10 working days) based on the average amount of hours worked per work, not exceeding 80 hours.


Will I get paid if I have to self-isolate myself because a close contact tested positive for COVID-19?

Yes, under the EPSLA, employees will be compensated for up to two weeks (or 10 working days) of self-isolation as long as they provide the proper documentation, including but not limited to a written statement from a healthcare provider.


Will I get paid if I have to stay out of work longer than 14 days due to COVID-19?

Maybe. If you had to stop work due to contracting the illness or were mandated to self-isolate or self-quarantine but already applied for salary reimbursement through EPSLA, then no. If you are out to care for a child (under 18) due to COVID-19 related school/daycare closure, then yes.

Will I get paid if I have to take care of someone who has COVID-19?

Yes, under the EPSLA, employees will be compensated for up to two weeks (or 10 working days) to care for a family member who has contracted COVID-19.



Will the Library close for disinfection if there is a positive case of COVID-19 in the Library? The Library will be professionally disinfected and Director will wait 24 hours before re-opening the Library to staff that have been unaffected.



Disinfection will take place 24 hours after a positive case of COVID-19 in the Library is reported. Outside doors and windows will be opened and fans will be turned on to increase ventilation of the building. Cleaning staff will clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common

areas, shared electronic equipment (keyboards, phones, etc.) used by the affected persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces. If it has been more than 7 days since the person with a suspected/confirmed infection of COVID-19 visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary. (CDC Response Source: ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html)

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