Library Budget Vote

Our budget vote will be this Tuesday, March 21 from 6:00am to 9:00pm at the Croton Harmon High School.  Don't forget to vote!

Get a Library Card

Design for Library Card from 2019
Custom Design by Jerry Pinkney (2019)

Library cards are available, free of charge, to any resident of the Croton-Harmon Union Free School District. The Croton Free Library is a member of the Westchester Library System (WLS). Our members can use any of the libraries within the WLS to access materials and services; however, some services (such as museum passes) may be limited to that library’s cardholders.

Cards expire every three years and can be renewed by calling or visiting the library. Cardholders are responsible for all items borrowed on their card and should immediately notify the library of any changes to their contact information (such as phone number, address, email) or if their card is lost or stolen. Croton Free Library may also issue cards, in person, for the Ossining, Hendrick Hudson, Field, and John C. Hart libraries.

Apply for a Card!

All Croton Harmon School District residents are eligible for a Croton Free Library card. Cards have expiration dates but can be renewed by calling or visiting the library. Cardholders are responsible for all items borrowed on their card and must immediately notify the library of any changes to contact information (phone, mailing, email) or if your card is lost/stolen. Membership provides access to over 40 different public libraries in the Westchester Library System.

Preferred Method of Notification
Preferred Pick Up Library
Sign me up for the monthly e-Newsletter for library updates and events.

To complete your application, you must submit a copy of a photo ID with address, showing proof of Croton residency, to

If you have any questions, please email or call the Circulation Desk at 914-271-6612.

The Library will mail your card. Please call if you would prefer to schedule a pickup time instead.

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I will email a copy of my photo ID to